Crowning Quality

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Endurance is the crowning quality, And patience all the passion of great hearts. -James Russell Lowell-


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Every calamity is to be overcome by endurance. -Virgil-

Turn it into glory

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Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory. -William Barclay-

Patience concentrated

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Endurance is patience concentrated. -Thomas Carlyle-


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Wisdom is merely the movement from fighting life to embracing it. -Rasheed Ogunlaru-

Semangat dan mimpi

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Biar kau tahu,Kal,orang seperti kita tak punya apa-apa kecuali semangat dan mimpi-mimpi,dan kita akan bertempur habis-habisan demi mimpi-mi...


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Your endurance is strongly influenced by your fundamental myth about the fighting. -Toba Beta-

Keep on fighting

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Keep on Fighting. -Alexander Graham Bell-

Life always comes to a fight

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Sometime, somewhere, life always comes to a fight, and peace always comes to an end. -Rachel Caine-


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Fights begin and end with handshakes. -Cameron Conaway-


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I do not care about happiness simply because I believe that joy is something worth fighting for. -Criss Jami-

a good fighter

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If you can't go back to your mother's womb, you'd better learn to be a good fighter. -Anchee Min-

Fight whole life

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I've always been a fighter and I've always fought through things my whole life. -Serena Williams-

Fighter's Story

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Every fighter has a story that could break your heart. We lose, we get hurt and everything comes apart. That's when it's so difficu...

Soul of samurai

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I'm not a fighter, but in my mind I'm fighting every day. 'What's new? What am I doing?' I'm fighting myself. My so...

Computer thinking like human

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The big question society will have to answer is whether it wants computers thinking like humans. -David Smith-

Upload a human soul

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Future generations will know there's nothing mystical about wetware because by 2100, Moore's law will have given us tiny quantum co...


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Diaspora starts about a thousand years from now. Most of human civilisation has moved inside computers; essentially, a major branch of our ...

Internet Age

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In fact, technology has been the story of human progress from as long back as we know. In 100 years people will look back on now and say, ...

Digital language

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The Internet is not just one thing, it's a collection of things - of numerous communications networks that all speak the same digital l...


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Nanotechnology will let us build computers that are incredibly powerful. We'll have more power in the volume of a sugar cube than exist...

Pertanyaan tentang komputer

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Pertanyaan tentang apakah komputer bisa berpikir lebih menarik daripada pertanyaan apakah kapal selam bisa berenang. -Edsger Dijkstra-

Akses kepada komputer dan internet

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Akses kepada komputer dan internet telah menjadi kebutuhan dasar bagi pendidikan di peradaban kita. -Kent Conrad-

Permasalahan dunia modern

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Salah satu kalimat paling menakutkan dalam dunia modern adalah : "Komputer lagi down" -Norman Ralph Augustine-

The basis of computer work

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The basis of computer work is predicated on the idea that only the brain makes decisions and only the index finger does the work. -Brian E...

Hardware and software

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It's hardware that makes a machine fast. It's software that makes a fast machine slow. -Craig Bruce-

The new IT

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The new information technology... Internet and e-mail... have practically eliminated the physical costs of communications. -Peter Drucker-...

Chance to luxuriate

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We should read to give our souls a chance to luxuriate.  -Henry Miller-

A truly good books

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A truly good book teaches me better than to read it.  I must soon lay it down, and commence living on its hint.... What I began by reading,...

Portable magic

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Books are a uniquely portable magic. -Stephen King-

Book and movie

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Never judge a book by its movie.   -J.W. Eagan-

Toko buku paling kecil

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Toko buku yang paling kecil berisi lebih banyak ide yang berharga daripada yang pernah dihadirkan dalam keseluruhan sejarah televisi. -And...

Original thoughts

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Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new after all.  -Abraham Lincoln-

Kebun di dalam saku

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Sebuah buku adalah seperti sebuah kebun yang ditaruh di dalam saku. -Pepatah China-

Reading is important

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Reading is important, because if you can read, you can learn anything about everything and everything about anything. -Tomie dePaola-

Your shelf and yourself

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Don't buy books for your shelf, buy them for yourself. -Saji Ijiyemi-


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Books don't change people; paragraphs do, Sometimes even sentences. -John Piper-

Time to read

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People who say they don't have time to read simply don't want to. -Jullie Rugg-


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"Seorang pembaca hidup dalam ribuan kehidupan sebelum ia meninggal," kata Jojen -George R.R. Martin-

Membaca buku bagus

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Sebenarnya setiap orang harus membaca setiap buku yang bagus setidaknya satu setiap 10 tahun sekali. -C.S Lewis-

Marriage and education

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Marriage can wait, education cannot. -Khaled Hosseini-

How to think

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Children must be taught how to think, not what to think. -Margaret Mead-

Fire to be kindled

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The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled. -Plutarch-


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I am not a teacher, but an awakener. -Robert Frost-

The task of modern educator

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The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts. -C.S Lewis-


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Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. -Nelson Mandela-

A farmer first

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It's a really interesting and diverse business. You're a farmer first, then a winemaker, then you're onto marketing and distrib...

Optimistic Farmer

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The farmer has to be an optimist or he wouldn't still be a farmer. -Will Rogers-

A Profession of hope

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Farming is a profession of hope. -Brian Brett-

The ultimate goal of farming

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The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. -Masanobu Fukuoka-

Owning a farm

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There are two spiritual dangers in not owning a farm. One is the danger of supposing that breakfast comes from the grocery, and the other t...

The more I learn

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The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know. -Michel Legrand-

The farmer

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The farmer works the soil. The agriculturalist works the farmer. -Ware, Uegene F-

Gerakan ikan trout

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Mereka mengatakan engkau melupakan masalah pada saat anda melihat gerakan ikan trout , tapi hal itu tidak cukup itu. Apa yang terjadi adal...

Sesuatu di kegiatan memancing

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Pasti ada sesuatu di memancing yang cenderung untuk menghasilkan sebuah kelembutan jiwa dan ketulusan pikiran. -Washington Irving-

Mencintai alam

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Jika seseorang benar-benar mencintai alam, ia dapat menemukan keindahan di manapun. -Vincent Van Gogh-

The best fisherman

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The best fisherman I know try not to make the same mistakes over and over again; instead they strive to make new and interesting mistakes a...

Patient and calm

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Be patient and calm - for no one can catch fish in anger. -Herber Hoover-

Nelayan dan pemburu

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Di waktu yang lampau, ketika saya mengambil gambar tentang nelayan dan pemburu, saya selalu harus menghargai kemampuan mereka memahami dan ...

By Poor Fishermen

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The whole world knows that His glory has not been spread by force and weapons, but by poor fishermen. -Girolamo Savonarola-

Bahaya di laut

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Para nelayan tahu bahwa laut itu berbahaya dan badai mengerikan, tetapi mereka tidak pernah menemukan bahaya-bahaya tersebut sebagai alasan...

The equality of men

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Fishing is a... discipline in the equality of men - for all men are equal before fish.  -Herbert Hoover-

Philosophic meditation

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When they go fishing, it is not really fish they are after.  It is a philosophic meditation. -E.T Brown-

Two types of fisherman

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There are two types of fisherman - those who fish for sport and those who fish for fish. -Unknown-


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When cultivating your garden, you must keep the soil healthy with encroachers. -Bauvard-

Landscape painting

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All gardening is landscape painting,' said Alexander Pope. -Rebecca Solnit-

Seni rupa masa depan

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Seni rupa terbesar di masa mendatang adalah pembuatan tempat tinggal yang nyaman dari sebidang tanah yang sempit. -Abraham Lincoln-

Labor in the earth

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Those who labor in the earth are the chosen people of God. -Thomas Jefferson-

Greatest lesson the garden teaches

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The single greatest lesson the garden teaches is that our relationship to the planet need not be zero-sum, and that as long as the sun stil...

The glory of gardening

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The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the...

Hujan mawar

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Tidak akan pernah ada hujan mawar. Bila kita ingin lebih banyak mawar, maka kita harus menanam lebih banyak pohon. -George Elliot-

Pertama-tama adalah taman

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Tuhan pencipta alam pertama-tama membuat sebuah kebun / taman. Dan sesungguhnya, ini adalah kesenangan termurni manusia. -Francis Bacon-

Duduk di tempat teduh

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Hari ini seseorang bisa duduk di tempat yang teduh karena seseorang telah menanam sebuah pohon di waktu yang lampau. -Rudyard Kipling-

Merawat tanaman

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Saya merawat tanaman untuk berbagai alasan : menyenangkan mata saya atau menyenangkan jiwa saya, memberikan tantangan kepada unsur-unsur ta...

Mengolah kebun

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Kita harus mengolah kebun kita sendiri. Ketika manusia ditempatkan di Eden, Ia ditempatkan di sana supaya ia bekerja. Hal ini membuktikan b...

Kebun dan perpustakaan

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Jika Anda mempunyai sebuah kebun dan perpustakaan, Anda memiliki semua yang Anda butuhkan. -Marcus Tullius Cicero-

Don't focus on recipe

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Cooking is an observation-based process that you can’t do if you’re so completely focused on a recipe. -Alton Brown-

Tahapan Belajar memasak

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Pertama-tama adalah keahlian menggunakan pisau. Kemudian ketahuilah cara mengontrol panas. Dan yang terpenting adalah pemilihan produk yang...

Resep Masakan

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Resep masakan tidak akan berguna, kecuali Anda menggunakan hati Anda. -Dylan Jones-

Keahlian memasak

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Keahlian memasak tidak berhubungan dengan ilmu kimia. Hal tersebut adalah sebuah seni. Memerlukan naluri dan cita rasa lebih daripada pengu...

Eating is sensorial

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Eating is sensorial. More than that, it’s about interpreting the information that your senses give you. -Chef Andoni-

The art of cuisine

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Ingredients are not sacred. The art of cuisine is sacred. -Tanith Tyrr-


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When you’re eating something and your palate tells you what’s missing, that’s when you start combining. -Justin Quek-

Cooking is an art

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Cooking is an art, but all art requires knowing something about the techniques and materials. -Nathan Myhrvold-

Learn how to cook

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This is my advice to people: Learn how to cook, try new recipes, learn from your mistakes, be fearless, and above all have fun. -Julia Chi...

An idealist

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An idealist is one who, on noticing that a rose smells better than a cabbage, concludes that it makes a better soup. -Bertrand Russel-

Cooking is about passion

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Cooking is about passion, so it may look slightly temperamental in a way that it's too assertive to the naked eye. -Gordon Ramsay-

The Energy of Cooking

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I liked the energy of cooking, the action, the camaraderie. I often compare the kitchen to sports and compare the chef to a coach. There ar...

Semangat manusia

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Semangat manusia tidak akan pernah berakhir ketika dikalahkan, semangat tersebut berakhir ketika manusia itu menyerah. -Ben Stein-


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Kesabaran bukan soal berapa lama kau menunggu, namun apa yang engkau lakukan saat menunggu. Kesabaran adalah ketrampilan yang dihasilkan di...

Temukan kebahagiaan hari ini

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Temukan kebahagiaan hari ini dng bersyukur dari hal-hal kecil yg akan menuntun kamu esok meraih hal-hal besar. -Mario Teguh-

Keep Your mind bright

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Keep your mind as bright & clear as the vast sky,the great ocean & the highest peak,empty of all thoughts. -Morihei Ueshiba-

State of mind

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A good stance and posture reflect a proper state of mind.  -Morihe Ueshiba-

Pay for the media

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With no ads, who would pay for the media?  The good fairy?   -Samuel Thurm-

The aim of marketing

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The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits him or her and sells itself. -Peter ...

Everyone is in sales

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The fact is, everyone is in sales. Whatever area you work in, you do have clients and you do need to sell. -Jay Abraham-

Improving the product

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Let advertisers spend the same amount of money improving their product that they do on advertising and they wouldn't have to advertise ...


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Words are loaded pistols. -Jean Paul Sartre-

Medium of information

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I do not regard advertising as entertainment or an art form, but as a medium of information. -David Ogilvy-


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In good times people want to advertise, in bad times, they have to. -Bruce Barton-

Ancestors Food

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Don’t eat anything your great-great grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food. There are a great many food-like items in the supermarket your ...


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Water, air, and cleanliness are the chief articles in my pharmacopoeia. -Napoleon I-

Penyakit kronis

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Saat ini 95% penyakit kronis disebabkan oleh pilihan makanan, kandungan racun dalam makanan, kekurangan nutrisi, dan kurangnya latihan fisi...

Cleansing Your Body

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By cleansing your body on a regular basis and eliminating as many toxins as possible from your environment, your body can begin to heal its...

Food and medicine

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Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. -Hippocrates-

Tidak sakit

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Hanya karena Anda tidak sakit bukan berarti Anda sehat. -Unknown-

Kebugaran fisik

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Kebugaran fisik bukan hanya salah satu hal paling penting untuk tubuh yang sehat, hal itu adalah dasar untuk aktifitas intelektual yang din...

To eat

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Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside. -Mark Twain-

Keajaiban start

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Keajaiban bukanlah ketika saya mencapai garis finish. Keajaiban adalah bahwa saya memiliki keberanian untuk memulai. -John Bingham-

The mind is the limit

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The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it, as long as you really believe 10...

The will to prepare

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The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital. -Joe Paterno-


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You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take. -Wayne Gretzky-

Medali Emas

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Medali emas, tidak seluruhnya terbuat dari emas. Ia terbuat dari keringat, kebulatan tekad, dan suatu campuran logam langka yang disebut de...

Never Quit

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Win If You Can, Lose If You Must, But NEVER QUIT! -Cameron Trammell-


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Ketekunan dapat mengubah kesalahan dan mengubah kegagalan menjadi pencapaian yang luar biasa. -Matt Biondi-

Meningkatkan bakat

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Apa yang kurang dari bakat Anda dapat ditingkatkan dengan hasrat, semangat yang menyala, dan memberikan waktu Anda 110 persen. -Don Zimmer...

Usaha yang terus menerus

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Usaha yang terus menerus, bukan kekuatan atau kecerdasan adalah kunci untuk membuka seluruh potensi Anda. -Liane Cardes-


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Age is no barrier. It’s a limitation you put on your mind. -Jacky Joyner - Kersee-

Greatest Asset

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I always felt that my greatest asset was not my physical ability, it was my mental ability. -Bruce Jenner-


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The way to harmony through body and mind coordination. -Choi Yong-Sul (Hapkido Founder)-

Tai Chi

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Make each movement flow into the next in a smooth, continuous manner. -Grand Master Yang Chen-Fu-

Kali (Filipino Martial Arts)

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 Awareness, above all, is the greatest weapon you can possess -Mike Pana-


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The word "Sambo" itself is an abbreviation of “Samozashchita Bez Oruzhiya” which means, “self-defence without weapons.” -Sambo (...

Thifan Pho Khan

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Thifan Po Khan mengutamakan tehnik- tehnik bertarung tingkat tinggi dan kecepatan serta kelincahan gerak, hingga lebih cocok digunakan oleh...


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Eu sou discipulo que aprende, [I am a student that learns,] E mestre que da licao. [And a master who teaches.] -Old Capoeira song-

Kick Boxing

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There's No Crying in Muay Thai. -Unknown-


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Once you've wrestled, everything in life is easy. -Dan Gable-


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It is not the size of a man but the size of his heart that matters. -Evander Holyfield-


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To injure an opponent is to injure yourself. To control aggression without inflicting injury is Aikido.  -Morihei Ueshiba-


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The technique and mind are just like the front and back of one’s hand, meaning they are very closely related. -Yoshitsugu (Yoshiaki) Yamas...

Krav Maga

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Krav Maga training is all about the real world. -Krav Maga (Israeli self defense)-


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Perangilah dirimu sendiri sebelum memerangi orang lain. -Falsafah Kempo-

Pencak silat

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Mersudi Patitising Tindak Pusakane Titising Hening (Mencari sampai mendapatkan tindakan yang benar dalam ketenangan). -PPS Betako Merpati ...

Kung Fu (Wing Chun)

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It's like a finger pointing to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you'll miss all that heavenly glory. -Bruce Lee-

Tae Kwon Do

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The most difficult part ot traditional taekwondo is not learning the first kick or punch. It is not struggling to remember the motions of a...

Jet Kune Do

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Using no way as way. Having no limitation as limitation. -Bruce Lee-

Jiu Jitsu

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Men are made in different shapes and sizes with different athletic ability, Jiu Jitsu makes us all equal. -Helio Gracie-


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Karate begins and ends with courtesy. -Gichin Funakoshi-


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You don't play against opponents, you play against the game of basketball. -Bobby Knight-


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Football is an incredible game. Sometimes it's so incredible, it's unbelievable. -Tom Landry-


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Bagi saya baseball adalah dan selalu akan menjadi permainan terbaik di dunia. -Babe Ruth-


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Satu-satunya saat di mana doa saya tidak pernah dijawab adalah pada saat saya sedang berlatih golf. -Billy Graham-

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner

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My body is like breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I don't think about it, I just have it. -Arnold Schwarzenegger-

Ask for healthy

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We can make a commitment to promote vegetables and fruits and whole grains on every part of every menu. We can make portion sizes smaller a...

Heart and soul

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It takes more than just a good looking body. You've got to have the heart and soul to go with it. -Epictetus-

Olah raga dan umur biologis

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Anda dapat membalik umur biologis Anda dengan berolahraga. -Deepak Chopra-

Pikiran muda

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Pikiran muda adalah pikiran yang sedang tumbuh. Pikiran ini didedikasikan pada perluasan dan belajar berkelanjutan. Pikiran muda tumbuh sub...

Umur psikologis dan umur biologis

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Badan adalah bidang molekul. Pikiran adalah bidang ide. Ke manapun pikiran melayang, sebuah molekul mengikuti. Pikiran segar dan remaja men...

Kebahagiaan dan Kesedihan

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Kebahagiaan dan kesedihan tergantung bagaimana kita menyikapinya ! -Habibie Ainun-

Cinta dan kecerdasan

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Tanpa cinta, kecerdasan itu berbahaya, dan tanpa kecerdasan, cinta itu tidak cukup. -Habibie Ainun-

Keseimbangan dan kemurnian

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Hidup dalam keseimbangan dan kemurnian adalah hadiah tertinggi bagi anda dan dunia. -Deepak Chopra-

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